Hello friends, welcome to all of you again in a new blog post and in today's blog we are going to provide you all a DNC preset for Lightroom mobile application that you can use to color grading your photos. Are .
Athletic dark lightroom preset |
The name of this Lightroom Mobile Presets is Athletic Dark Color Lightroom Presets, it will color grading your photo to Athletic Dark Color. If you also want to edit your photo in dark athletic color in just one click, then this preset will be very useful for you, just copy the setting of this preset and apply it on your photo. And your photo will be automatically edited in dark color.
But for this you need to have the latest Lightroom mobile. Lightroom mobile application is available for all devices which you can download from Google Play Store or App Store.
About Lightroom mobile preset
The lightroom mobile preset is a shortcut to color grading photos. With which you can do color grading of your photos very easily. Lightroom Mobile presets are already created, a preset of DNC or XMP is ready, which has to be edited only once, after that the same edited setting can be changed several times. Can be shared with the user. And in this way you can copy and paste the setting and apply it on the photo.
In this lightroom mobile preset, color and all editing tools can be changed according to your photo, it is completely customized. Such as brightness, contrast, color, all can be changed. But we would like to tell you that if you do not know about all these, then please do not tamper with them.
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How to make athletic dark Colour photo with Lightroom preset
To create an athletic dark color photo, first you have to download the Lightroom preset given in this post. How to download the preset, we have told in detail below, definitely read it. After downloading the presets, definitely read this post of ours so that you can know how to use Lightroom mobile presets.
Follow this step
- Download dng preset
- Extract it
- Now share your DNG in Lightroom mobile
- Then open it And copy setting of preset
- Now open your photo
- And paste it your copy setting
athletic preset features |
Quality Lightroom preset |
Supported All device |
Customised |
Easy to use |
Android/iPhone/tablet |
Photo editing |
Shareable |
Name : athletic lr preset |
Format : zip (DNG) |
Size : 5M |
Download athletic dark colour lightroom preset
To download this athletic dark color lightroom preset, we have given a download link in this post, which will show you after 30 seconds, after that you can download this lightroom preset in your phone by clicking on that link. The filter can be easily downloaded by following the steps given below.
Step to download
- Click download option
- Link will automatically redirect in new window (google drive or mediafire)
- Now find a download option
- And download preset
Format of Lightroom preset
By the way, Lightroom mobile presets are of three formats, one is xmp and the other is dng format, so we have given you the preset of dng Lightroom format, which is also the format of the photo. Both work the same way, only the way of using it is different.
So friends, I hope all of you have liked this Lightroom Mobile Presets, so to download more Lightroom Mobile Presets like this, read our more posts, we have provided many Lightroom Mobile Presets to all of you. Using this, you can edit your photo better. Message us on Instagram or on our social media accounts for more information. Thank you .