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Dark tone Lightroom mobile preset To photo editing

Friends, in today's blog post, we have provided dark tone light room preset for you, with the help of which you will be able to do dark tone color grading in your photo in just one click. And if you can edit the presets by copy-pasting, then in this preset we have told everything about the dark tone light room presets and their features, read the post carefully.


This light room preset will help you to convert your simple photo to dark color.

With this Dark Color Lightroom preset, users will be able to color grade photos in a very easy way in the Lightroom mobile app. All they have to do is download this preset, and apply to their photos, 

Dark Tone Lightroom preset
Dark Tone Lightroom preset 

The preset is very well designed, all the colors have been maintained keeping in view the dark tone. And you will get high quality color capacity. You can apply this dark tone preset on any type of photo, just pay attention that the quality of your photo is in HD.

Dark tone Lightroom preset performs great in full hd quality photo, as much as your photo quality will be good and the color will remain natural, the more it will effect on dark tone preset photo.

How will your photo look after applying dar preset

Friends, after applying the preset on the photo, the background of your photo will become dark and your face and body will be in focus, but it will also have a slight dark effect, which will provide a very good look to your photo. And of course, you try to make the background of your photo look green because, the dark color Lightroom preset removes the green color and adds a dark tone effect to it. 

About dark tone Lightroom mobile preset

Friends this is a preset of dng format for lightroom mobile application which is used to edit photo and for that we need lightroom mobile application. You can easily download the application from Google Play Store.

Maintaining all the colors in this lightroom dark color preset has created a very nice dark tone Lightroom Presets. Such as brightness, contrast, color and other useful tools have been used.

 You can customise dark tone preset 

Whatever setting we have set in this dark tone preset, you can customize it according to your photo, and I would suggest that you change its setting a little bit. So that you can make your photo better. But keep in mind that if you do not know how to act, then while tinkering with the setting, use the Undo option so that if you make the wrong setting, then you can reset the setting again to the default with the help of this Undo option.

 This preset is very useful to social media

 The photo of Dark tone Lightroom preset is very much seen in social media these days, so you can use this preset on your photo especially if you want to show an attitude on your photo then there is definitely Dark color Lightroom preset Will add beauty to your photo.

Note: You can read our documentation for how to add Lightroom presets to the Lightroom mobile app.  


You can see table

Dark preset Features
High quality colour
Supported all device
Best colour correction
Easy to use
Only for photo editing
Easy to apply
Format DNG
Size : 5MB aprrox

conclusion I hope you like this post of ours then download and enjoy this Dark Lightroom Presets

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